discover how  M Perform clients 


On Our Strategy Call We'll Cover:
  • How to transform your body as fast as possible using nutrition, movement, sleep and stress management so that you can perform better at work, in the gym and in the bedroom 🔥.
  • ​How we’ll use the world renowned M PERFORM training system used by celebrities, pro athletes and high performers to get you world class results.
  • ​​How to focus on 20% of the work that produces 80% of the results, so your fitness goals don't take away from your time with your loved ones or your work.
M PERFORM Clients Get Results

Check out what they have to say about M PERFORM ⤵️


“After dealing with the stresses of COVID life and a tough loss, I needed an outlet. M PERFORM was a game changer for me. It put me on the edge of where I want to be mentally and spiritually.”
Aleks Stosic, Managing Partner at S&A Strategies

“I traded my health for success”

“Like most entrepreneurs, I had traded my health for financial and career gain. I had wealth, but I didn’t have health. Through sleep coaching, training and habit change coaching with Coach M, I’ve regained years back in my life...and my wife has never been so attracted to me.”
Morgan Pierce, CEO of Black Sheep Thinking

“I wanted to be apart of my grandkids lives”

“I had worked with other trainers in the past without much success so I reached out to M Perform. My goal was to get off blood sugar medication and be strong and mobile so that I can be around for my grandkids. When I started with M Perform, my A1c score was at new reading is 4.9 and I’m looking forward to ditching my meds. Thank you M Perform”
Greg Wanless

 Click Play To Hear Coach Marcus' Story

How Will ‘Coach M’ Help Me?

Watch the video to discover why 'Coach M' is a Health and Life Coach, and not just an average personal trainer.

He takes a holistic view of your life to help you thrive in life in a body you love. This isn’t just a training program, it’s a health transformation program.

Here is What our Clients Are Achieving ⤵️

Client Before & After


Client Before & After

GOAL: muscle gain

Client Before & After


Client Before & After

GOAL: muscle gain

Client Before & After


Client Before & After


Client Before & After


Client Before & After


Client Before & After

What Are You Getting Exactly?

Below is the breakdown of what is included 
in the M Perform gold Program



In our 4 phases of training: 

Our Primer Phase, Progress Phase and our Performance Phase and Physique Phase, we integrate mobility, aerobic health and strength training so that we build a healthy and functional physique.

No more guesswork or wasted time

($1,497 VALUE)


M Perform Fuel system

We need coach you on your nutrition literacy so you know how much to eat, of what, and when. Nutrition doesn't need to be complicated!

MP Fuel

- food for performance
- maximum utilization of nutrients
- sustainable energy
- longevity

($797 VALUE)

Lifestyle Coaching

The M5 Toolkit

“It’s not a hobby it’s a lifestyle”
Using the M5 toolkit, we’ll help you go from living in survival mode so your body has health and all day energy.

The goal is to help you learn the skills needed to improve:
  • The way you think (mindset)
  • The way you breathe
  • ​The way you move
  • ​The way you eat
  • ​The way you sleep
We’ll find the “villains” in your life that are stealing from your progress while ADDING the high impact habits that will allow you to thrive.

($997 VALUE)

M Perform Ecosystem


At M PERFORM, we’ve created a “TEAM Mentality” that our members lean on to support their results. We have an exclusive app as well educational trainings to help you on your journey. 

Extraordinary is never achieved alone.

($849 VALUE)

Do you have what it takes to reach your goals & finally achieve the transformation?


  • You are coachable and can take instruction 
  • You are willing to put in the work to have your own body breakthrough
  • ​You have a great attitude
  • ​You are TEAM focused and want to support others
  • ​You are ready for a change NOW
  • ​You have a growth mindset
  • ​You take full responsibility for your life and your current circumstance


  • You are not coachable
  • You are not willing to put in the effort to have your own body breakthrough
  • ​You are a negative person that is going to pull other people down
  • ​You are somebody looking for a “cheap” or “quick” fix instead of long term results
  • ​You are someone who “plays the victim” instead of taking responsibility for your life
  • ​You DO NOT want to burn fat or build muscle 
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What do I need to join the program? Do I need to train in a gym?
    Exercise equipment is ideal, but because of the pandemic, we have clients all over the world who are getting outstanding results working from home
  • How soon will I start losing weight?
    You will see progress within the first few weeks. Everyone is different; this is your journey so we need to “run your race.” The first 2-4 weeks we go through our MP Primer Phase getting your body healthy and primed to perform ie. lose fat, regain energy and gain muscle. 
  • What will I learn during the program?
    The aim of the program is not just to get you a life changing result, it is to create a lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Once you book a call with my team and I, you will receive a blueprint where I outline step by step how we help you go from where you are to where you want to go- and beyond
  • How is this program different from any other program?
    The M Perform programs are unique as we integrate the M5 Toolkit ie mindset, breath work, movement, nutrition and sleep to help you thrive in life in a body you love.
  • How do you help me personally?
    The M Perform coaching team is in your pocket, literally, if you have any questions, you can connect with your coach at any time via the app.
  • What happens if I reach a plateau? 
    This is why M Perform is so successful. You have one to one personal assessments every week, where we review your progress, your challenges and eliminate future obstacles in advance. We also have live webinar calls biweekly that provide a personal touch to nutritional, training and life advice that enable us to look for and find a solution together.
  • Do I get a step by step guide to achieving results?
    Yes, everything we do within M Perform is perfectly crafted for you (not just the science but ensuring the client experience is user friendly, easy to follow and eliminates every aspect of potential guesswork). After all, we are here to add enormous value to your life and save you time.
  • Can I still have dinner with my family?
    Most of our clients are devoted family men who aim to provide for their families. They are often doing this program for their families. To become better husbands, better fathers, better men. Sacrificing time with your family is not in our company values.
  • What happens after the program?
    Using the M5 Toolkit we’re going to equip you with the habits, tools and behaviours to not only get you in shape now, but for next year, 3 years and beyond. We want this to be the last program you ever need.

    This program is an educational health and fitness program with the goal of giving you GUARANTEED results while teaching you how to maintain them for the rest of your life. That being said, most clients CHOOSE to stay, loving the results they have received with 90% of clients doing a second 6 months and 78% of those making it to the 24 month mark a year later.
  • Can I still eat out?
    Yes of course this can be factored into your plan, when you sign up you are also given guidance on how to eat out and build a plate.
  • Can I still enjoy vacations?
    Of course! We have separate strategies that can be applied for these trips that will allow you to enjoy your vacations and still make progress.
  • I don’t enjoy some foods, will this be taken into account?
    Yes, of course! The way myself and my team coach allows you to keep eating the foods you always have been (in moderation) and still get results.
  • Do I have to eat out of tupperwares?
    Of course not! Most of my clients learn (from me) how to educate themselves to make food choices and some clients do not prepare food, they manipulate their food based on eating out, passing shops or coffee shops. We provide you with all your macronutrients. This means you are not obliged to eat one product. This makes it possible to eat out and still get results.
  • I’m new to exercise and don’t know all the names of the exercises, how do I solve that?
    In the program you will be using our Custom M Perform Coaching App. On the app (Apple & Android) all training sessions are customised and every exercise has a full video explanation by me, not only showing you how to perform the movement but also providing invaluable exercise execution tips to ensure perfect technique.
Copyright Marcus Mackay | | All rights reserved.